UE 966: Biomimetics

Module code UE 966: Biomimetics (10h lectures/20h practicals ) – 4 ECTS

Module coordinator: Dr. Adrien Baldit (adrien.baldit@univ-lorraine.fr)


This module is a short introduction into the field of biomimetics: What is biomimetics – and what not, the 3-criteria-definition, biology push – technology pull, application areas. Short excursion into history: from the middle age to the year 2000. With various examples the introduction to bio fluid mechanics gives insight of fluid mechanical phenomena in nature which have been transferred to technical applications. To understand and to apply computational fluid dynamics the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics are essential. After a short introduction to Ubuntu the hands on application starts with a simple case of computational fluid dynamics which gets more complex further on. As software, the open source code OpenFOAM is applied.


Basics in biology and scientific analysis – Continuum mechanics – Fluid mechanics

Skills and learning outcomes:



Learning outcomes

Skill 1

To solve a mechanical problem with its boundary conditions, to propose a model as simple as possible and to conduct a critical analysis of the results.


  • To perform a computational fluid dynamic analysis

Skill 2

To apply the usual concepts of various scientific fields of a technical subdomain to solve a complex problem, including a problem of design or engineering


  • To mix biological and mechanical knowledge to solve complex industrial or medical problems

Skill 3

To adopt free or commercial software packages, to solve physical problems.


  • To use the OpenFOAM free software to solve computational fluid dynamic analysis

Skill 9

To analyse the functioning of living organisms and/or human body through a scientific approach:

– taking into account the experience of clinicians

– using scientific and technical knowledge


  • To get biomimetic inspiration from nature to propose new designs and concepts

  • To perform a computational fluid dynamic analysis to model biological phenomena

Skill 5

To know how to communicate in both written and spoken French and English and become a team manager (to plan, organize, create and conduct meetings in an efficient way)


  • To present a biomimetic scientific analysis regarding observation of nature.

Skill 4

To develop capability to work in a team, with autonomy and also with colleagues for the benefit of the project.


  • To perform a computational fluid dynamic analysis to model biological phenomena